Robot Town

Robot Town
boom boom bang bang robot city.

Dec 19, 2010


Another illustrated self portrait... Some times I look in the mirror and forget how ridiculous I look... so I have to draw it. 

Abstract #1

This is the finished abstract I did for water color class. Not sure how I feel about it. Abstract is not easy and no, a five year old can not do it. Composition is a very hard thing to grasp plus trying to get the weight of the piece to feel correct. Not sure I accomplished it here, but it was worth a shot.

pool floaty

This picture was in a magazine... minus the dinosaur head and tail. Thought it would be funny to add it. 

Thats not it.

Dec 16, 2010

Headdress two...

This is a Headdress design I have been playing around with. Trying to convert it to a larger colored painting. every time I try it larger it never looks as good as the sketch... thinking maybe I should blow image up and screen print it...

Killer Owl

Head Dress Concept Sketch...